Tuesday, March 5, 2013

10 Ways to Pray for Neighbors Using the Bible

In my forthcoming book Difference Makers, I talk about how we make a difference with two groups of people, our neighbors and those in our networks. My hope in this book is to invite people to see how God is at work locally and discover how make a difference in the lives of those who live around us.

One of the ways that we make a difference is through the ways we pray.  I'd like to suggest some ways to pray for our neighbors and those in our networks.

General prayers for the your neighborhood or the places you touch in your daily life (work, school, etc.)
  • Pray that the Kingdom would be manifest in the world around you (Mark 1:15)
  • Pray that good news to the poor would go forth. (Luke 4:16-17)
  • Pray that those in bondage would be set free.
  • Pray that people could see the truth.
  • Pray that those who are oppressed would be liberated. 
Specific prayer for specific neighbors or someone in your network:
  • Pray that the person’s heart might be “good soil” for the seed of God's love (Mk. 4:8),     
  • Pray that Satan will not be able to steal the seeds of truth (see Mk. 4:15)
  • Pray that the veil might be lifted from their eyes so that they can see truth (2 Cor. 4:3,4),
  • Pray that pride in them would be broken (2 Cor. 10:3-5),
  • Pray that the person come to true repentance (2 Pet. 3:9).

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